UPDATE: You can find an active coupon for this deal on the Harbor Freight website. Good from April 15 to May 16, 2010. Just saw this last night – print this coupon out, bring it to your nearest Harbor Freight tools and get a free…
Do you want to launch a softball 50-60 feet without having to get down and dirty cutting wood, metal, and using power tools? Here’s an easy way to build a fairly sizeable trebuchet out of cardboard and a few other basic materials. For this…
Rig of Rods is an interesting piece of software. It’s an open source car/plane/boat simulator with a number of user-made vehicles and areas you can explore. The vehicles themselves, though, use “soft-body physics” – the wheels and chassis are flexible real-time objects that respond…
After spending a bone-chilling week in NYC, freezing my hands every time I had to answer a phone call, I started looking for a solution to using this wonderful iPhone while not losing any digits to frostbite. Turns out, there’s a simple solution: conductive…
The good dudes at Discovery’s Timewarp TV show filmed a hide-your-eyes segment about the SawStop, an table saw with an electronically controlled safety brake that uses the inductive capabilities of the human skin to immediately stop the blade. Watch as the saw’s inventor offers to…
Waiting for a delayed flights is a regular activity for most people, so when airports take it upon themselves to have interesting installations, I say “Hell yeah, this ain’t so bad after all.” Case in point: SFO’s Tornado Machine. Tall enough for a grownup…
Jump into your weekend with some DIY projects. Here are a few of my favorite ones that I’ve posted here. Remember to take pics and send them to me too. How to Build a Temporary Wood-fired Brick Pizza Oven with Cheap, Easy to Find…
Hey DIY Fans – Thanks for checking out my site! Every month I’m giving away a nice prize for helping support DO IT and spreading the DIY love. Here’s how to get in on the giveaway: 1. Post on or about mikesenese.com/DOIT. Each post…
Great overview of the history and mechanics of engines and petroleum, from the late 80’s/early 90s television show “The Secret Life Of Machines.” An entertaining and informative presentation, even for those who work with this stuff on a daily basis. The hosts’ comparison on…
The science nerd in me loves my EZ Heat handwarmers. They’re filled with a supersaturated liquid that gives off heat when provoked/activated to crystallize. Temperature reaches about 130º F, and from my experience the heat lasts for longer than 30 minutes. Boil in water…